Additional MHS Collections Related to the Adams Family
While the Adams Family Papers represents the largest collection of Adams manuscripts owned by the Massachusetts Historical Society, many other MHS collections include letters, artifacts, or images related to the family.
The guide to Presidential Letters at the MHS provides detailed information on collections containing the correspondence of John Adams or John Quincy Adams, many of which will also hold materials related to Abigail Adams, Louisa Catherine Adams, and other family members. Researchers may additionally wish to consult:
- Adams-Johnson-Lynch Family Papers, 1800-1903
- Anna E. Roth collection, 1639-1897
- Boylston-Adams family papers, 1786-1979
- Christopher P. Cranch Papers, 1782-1928
- United States Revolutionary War debt certificates, 1779-1821
Several collections include materials related to Adams family members that extend beyond 1889, see for example:
- Charles Francis Adams Papers, 1860-1933; bulk: 1890-1918
- Henry Adams Papers, 1843-1938
- Henry Adams Photographs, 1866-ca.1900
- Henry Adams Watercolors and Sketches, 1890-1895
- Marian Hooper Adams Photographs, ca. 1846-1885
- Adams-Homans Family Photographs, 1891-ca. 1901
Researchers may also wish to search the Online Adams Catalog, a database of all known Adams documents whether held by the MHS or other public and private repositories. The MHS online catalog, ABIGAIL, has bibliographic descriptions of collections, or reach out to one of the Library reference staff at